Feb. 8 is the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese nun, who as a child had the traumatic experience of being a victim of human trafficking. The Unions of Superiors and Superiors General of Religious Institutes have organized the Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.
Join Alliance to End Human Trafficking in the Feb. 8 pilgrimage of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. Pray for the victims of trafficking, involving other people, groups, communities, and associations, especially the younger ones. Organize a time of prayer and reflection in your parish, community, or group.
Share the message of the day. Dedicate a post/tweet on your social media on Feb. 8 using the hashtag #PrayAgainstTrafficking.
View Live streaming on www.prayagainsttrafficking.net
9:35 am Eastern on Feb.8 and end at approx. 10:15 am