Planes de estudio
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Bodies Are Not Commodities
An innovative, interactive curriculum designed to connect students to the reality of human trafficking so that they can be part of the solution.
For more information: Bodies Are Not Commodities High School Curriculum
Chosen: The True Story of America’s Trafficked Teens
Designed for grades 6-8, 9-12, this documentary makes young people aware of the dangers of sex trafficking and how to protect themselves and others. Two-disc set includes full-length film and discussion aids.
For more information: Chosen
Nationally acclaimed, this interactive school-based awareness curriculum for youth in middle and high school builds awareness in exposing the lures of child sex trafficking and internet dangers.
For more information: Deceptions Sex Trafficking Awareness
FAIR Girls
Tell Your Friends is a four-module multimedia prevention education curriculum taught in junior and high school, after-school programs, youth shelters, and group homes.
For more information: Prevention Education
Global Sisters Report
An independent, non-profit source of news and information, our network of journalists write commentaries on a variety of social justice issues from Sisters’ perspectives.
For more information: Lessons in Human trafficking
The Empower Youth Program is a five-part series of short films, activities and discussion questions to empower teens 7th grade and up to stay safe from exploitation.
For more information: The Empower Youth Program
HEAL Trafficking
A three-part webinar series discussing the intersections of human trafficking and adults with disabilities.
Part 1 Understanding Human Trafficking and How Patients with Disabilities Are at Risk
Part 2 Identifying Victims & Survivors with Disabilities
Part 3 Trauma-Informed Care for Victims & Survivors with Disabilities
For more information: HEAL Trafficking Webinars
Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center
A live interactive multi-school webinar/workshop for Catholic 7th-8th grade students on modern day slavery! It is an interdisciplinary experience linking Religion, Social Studies and English.
For more information: Human Trafficking Presentations
National Human Trafficking Hotline Student Engagement Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide students with resources to identify and raise awareness of human trafficking.
For more information: Student Engagement Toolkit
National Educators to Stop Trafficking
NEST equips teachers and youth leaders with age-appropriate curriculum to educate and empower youth.
For more information: NEST
SOAR Online is designed to educate health care providers, social workers, public health professionals, and behavioral health professionals on how to identify and respond appropriately to individuals who are at risk of or who have experienced trafficking.
For more information: SOAR Online