Stop Trafficking Newsletter
January Issue: Survivors & Criminal Records
Focus: Survivors of human trafficking often have a criminal record for crimes they were forced to commit while a victim. This month’s newsletter focuses on the realities of having a criminal record and processes currently in place that may help survivors clear their record.
Enfoque: Los sobrevivientes de la trata a menudo tienen antecedentes criminales por crímenes que estos fueron forzados a cometer mientras eran víctimas. El boletín de este mes se enfoca en las realidades de tener un antecedente criminal y los procesos para ayudarlos a aclarar esos antecedentes.
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We are grateful for all of the sponsors of the Stop Trafficking Newsletter. Without the support of our sponsors, spreading the message to end human trafficking would not be possible.
You can view our sponsors list here: Stop Trafficking sponsors
More Information
Stop Trafficking Newsletter is produced by The Alliance to End Human Trafficking, to serve as a forum for exchange among religious congregations and their collaborating organizations:
• to promote awareness regarding human trafficking;
• to exchange best practices in advocacy for and empowerment of survivors of human trafficking;
• to recommend actions to counter human trafficking;
• to share information about survivor services.
If your community is not currently a sponsor but would like to be, please contact Katie Boller Gosewisch.
Note: The layout of the Stop Trafficking Newsletter changed in 2020.