An Economy Without Human Trafficking
In the 2019 General Assembly of Talitha Kum, three main priority issues were identified as root causes of human trafficking. In 2021, Talitha Kum networks around the world including the Alliance to End Human Trafficking will be focusing on the second priority issue: Neo-liberal Economic Models. Together let us realize an economy without human trafficking!
There are a few ways to join us in this year of prayer, study, and action around neoliberalism as a driver of human trafficking.
1. Download this sign
Download this sign, write in your vision of an economy without human trafficking, take a photo and/or video of your message and
a) send to and
b) post on your social media tagging AEHT (Facebook: @SistersAgainstTrafficking, Twitter: @AEHTraffic, Instagram: @AEHT) and #EconomyWithoutTrafficking #EndHumanTrafficking.
2. Join us in prayer on February 8th
The feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita and World Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking – or any day with this short prayer service and reflection on “an economy without human trafficking.”
You can also join in the live prayer marathon on February 8th that will run from 10am-5pm Rome time (CET) via this YouTube page. The U.S. prayer videos will be available on our YouTube Page after the marathon ends.
3. Pray, Study, Act
Engage in prayer, study, and action with this helpful resource guide focusing on neo-liberal economics and how it drives human trafficking.
You can also find additional resources and stay connected through the website for the World Day of Prayer Against Human Trafficking.