AEHT Staff & Board

The current structure of Alliance to End Human Trafficking consists of a Board of Directors, Staff, Committees, and Working Groups. All members of AEHT are invited to join one of the working groups.

AEHT Staff

Katie Boller Gosewisch
Executive Director
Brighton, Michigan

Darla Buchanan
Executive Assistant

Christine Commerce
Program Director
Orlando, Florida

Marilyn Zigmund Luke
Director of Advocacy

Waed Alnimri
Director of Communications

AEHT Board of Directors

Board members are elected for 3 year terms, participate in quarterly meetings, and serve on at least one committee and/or working group.

Jeanne Atkinson
Silver Spring, MD

Bridget Bearss, RSCJ
Silver Spring, MD

Kathleen Bryant, RSC
Dublin, Ireland

Christine Cervenak
South Bend, IN

Jeanne Christensen, RSM
Omaha, NE

Kathleen Coll, SSJ
Philadelphia, PA

Catherine Darcy, RSM, PhD
Latham, NY

Sally Duffy, SC
Cincinnati, OH

Laura Krausa
Denver, CO

Michelle Loisel, DC
Baltimore, MD

Judy Molosky, CSJ
Los Angeles, CA

Bill Miller
Chanhassen, MN

Ann Scholz, SSND, PhD
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility

Sarah B. Smith
Saint Louis, MO

Maria Elena Perales
Orange, CA

Survivor Advisory Council

Charlie Tebow

Cristian Eduardo

Kae James

Kwami P. Adoboe-Herrera

Gina Cavallo

Eileen Dong

Jenny Footle

Marianne Thomas

Maria Tell


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Board President, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as the Executive Director who serves in an ex-officio role. The Executive Committee oversees the overall work of AEHT and its committees and working groups; sets the agenda for board meetings; and monitors progress in meeting the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.

Finance Committee

The Committee works to ensure the financial stability of the organization by ensuring development and fundraising programs are in concert with AEHT strategic direction and needs; working with AEHT staff in designing and implementing development and capital plans; developing the organization’s annual operating budget and other financial plans for Board approval; ensuring complete financial records are maintained and helping the Board understand the organization’s financial affairs.

Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to ensure ongoing review of board effectiveness and make recommendations to enhance the quality and future viability of the board. The focus of the committee revolves around the following areas: Recruiting, Nominating, Orienting new Board members, and Developing ongoing educational opportunities for the entire board.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee of AEHT is charged with growing membership in the organization among congregations of religious, coalitions and partnerships, and individuals who share common values in the work to end human trafficking. The committee maintains processes for welcoming new members and renewal of membership; explores opportunities to include members from additional demographics; outlines the benefits of membership; and collaborates with other committees to address the needs of members.

Working Groups


The advocacy working group supports the organization and its members in raising their voices in support of legislation, administrative policies, and business practices that guarantee the human rights of all people and seek to end modern-day slavery of every type.
This working group advocates for national legislation that addresses the human rights violations against trafficked persons; and allocates resources for human trafficking victims’ essential services; builds positive relationships with legislators and their staffs, other advocates in coalitions, and AEHT members; provides legislative and policy updates for inclusion on AEHT’s website, including action alerts for response by members and others; and participates in events or actions addressing human trafficking as appropriate.


The Communications working group works with the Executive Director to prepare and implement the communications/marketing plan for AEHT. This includes all communications through The Alliance website and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). This working group also proposes and plans marketing initiatives, e.g. Giving Tuesday, end of year giving, etc.


The goal of the Education/Resource working group is to raise awareness of human trafficking and reflection on how one’s faith affects his/her response to trafficking.
This working group is responsible for providing or identifying existing faith-based educational resources about different aspects of human trafficking.
Currently these resources include modules, webinars and links to other various media. We seek to engage members with expertise on different aspects of trafficking to help with writing modules, presenting at webinars sponsored by AEHT and helping with exhibits at meetings which serve to educate people about human trafficking and The Alliance.

Survivor Services

The Survivor Support working group empowers survivors by networking with sister-run houses throughout the country providing services to survivors and facilitating access to education and employment opportunities.
This working group reaches out to congregations, associates, colleagues and business partners to create links to education and employment; creates and shares best practices for trauma-informed care of survivors including mentoring and spiritual accompaniment; and encourages survivor participation in decision making.