An in-depth look at the fantasies of pornography that drive purchasers & lure victims into sex trafficking.
Presenter: Sandra Morgan, RN, PhD
Dr. Morgan’s expertise on human traf cking is recognized globally. As the Director of Vanguard University’s Global Center for Women and Justice (GCWJ), she works to extend global impact and build capacity for research, education and advocacy directly related to the exploitation of women and children. She served as Administrator of the Orange County Human Traf cking Task Force (OCHTTF) for nearly three years. As a Pediatric nurse, her rst sex traf cking victim was a 14 year old boy.
She has presented on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of children (CSEC) to the Orange County Grand Jury, California Juvenile Justice Commission, at universities, conferences, and law enforcement and healthcare provider trainings. She currently serves on Foreign Affairs Chair Congressman Ed Royce’s Anti Human Traf cking Advisory Committee as well as on the steering committee for the Faith Alliance against Slavery and Traf cking (FAAST).
See the attached flyer for information on a webinar entitled, “Fantasy or Reality: The Pornography-Sex Trafficking Link,” to be hosted by the Religious Alliance Against Pornography. The webinar will be hosted on September 13th and 22nd.