High school students across the United States are invited to participate in a short video contest responding to the prompt: “What Would You Do?” to help prevent human trafficking. These videos will highlight potential human trafficking scenarios chosen by the students, and result in raising awareness, educating, and empowering students and others on how to identify and prevent human trafficking. The video can be created by a group, individual or class and must be under 3 minutes in length.

Topics May Include But Not Limited To:

  • Sexting
  • Boyfriend Pimp or Romeo Trafficker
  • Sextortion
  • Online Grooming
  • Pornography


These topics and more will be covered in an educational video on human trafficking to help you recognize the grooming process, signs and ways to prevent it. All applicants are required to view this online training video to get a better understanding of how human trafficking happens and how students can play a role in helping end the exploitation of our youth.


View the Required Webinar Here.



  • Videos may not include any graphic material or foul language.
  • Must be under 3 minutes.
  • Must be under 2 GB in size.
  • It may contain the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number at the end of the video (1-888-373-7888).


Important Dates & Submissions:

Submit your questions or letter of Intent to participate to this email address: youthvideocontest@alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org

Letters must include the following:

  • Name of the School, group, or student(s) participating
  • Address
  • Instructor’s Phone number
  • Instructor’s Email address
  • Description of intended video

Videos will be submitted electronically once the application is approved.

Deadline for video submissions: March 30, 2025

Videos must be submitted using www.wetransfer.com to this email address: youthvideocontest@alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org

Finalists will be announced on April 30, 2025, and a virtual award ceremony will follow in May—entrants must be available for it.




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