Member of the Marist Missionary Sisters Receives an Award
August 26, 2019
“I have a little glad news to share. A few days ago, I received an email from Nancy O’Malley, the District Attorney of my county (Alameda County) of about 2 million people, to tell me that because I have visited over 600 massage parlors, bars, and hotels.
‘Your work makes a huge difference. Every year, I select an individual or individuals who are making a tremendous difference in our community – saving lives, really. We call it Nancy’s Hero Award. This year, I would be humbled to honor you and the Sisters for your abolitionist work. The date is August 16, 2019 in Ivy Glen Park in Pleasanton, California. God has blessed us with you, Sister, and all of the Sisters who work so hard. My best to you.’ –Nancy O’Malley, District Attorney, Alameda County
(The other Sisters live in other counties where the DAs are not supportive, so they can’t get their project going. I am fortunate.) Isn’t that amazing? I never planned to visit so many businesses, but somehow they gradually added up. I am glad that we are saving lives. Praise the Lord!” Sister John Paul Chao SMSM
S. John Paul is a member of the Northern California Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (STOP Slavery Coalition). Coalition Members: Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose; Dominican Sisters of San Rafael; Marist Missionary Sisters; Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary; Sisters of Mercy of the Americas-WMW; Sisters of Notre-Dame de Namur; Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity; Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
She is also employed at the non-profit, Prostitution Research & Education, founded by Melissa Farley, a well-known prostitution abolitionist.
Their Mission: Prostitution Research & Education (PRE) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that conducts research on prostitution, pornography and trafficking and offers education and consultation to researchers, survivors, the public and policymakers. PRE’s goal is to abolish the institution of prostitution while at the same time advocating for alternatives to trafficking and prostitution – including emotional and physical healthcare for women in prostitution. The roots of prostitution are in the assumption that men are entitled to buy women for sex, in racism, and in women’s poverty.
Category: The Alliance to End Human Trafficking