January, 2021 Monthly Reflection

A New Year: Making Resolutions

By Jean Schafer SDS

Yes, most of us make them, but 40% of us don’t keep them. We can find many suggestions for resolutions online – to promote health or wellbeing, to advance personal growth or peace of mind. Check online and you will find links to: 29 Ideas; the 50 Best; 20 to inspire you; etc. There are examples promoting: meditation techniques; learning hobbies or skills; diet plans; reading lists; improving memory or IQ; journal writing; furthering gratitude or lessening procrastination; taking up rock climbing or traveling or….the lists go on and on.

As we closed out 2020, many of us have learned profound lessons that will influence the type of resolution we may consider for a new year, 2021. There were lessons about the importance of self-care, about showing love and compassion to family and toward the vulnerable, about not taking life or liberty for granted. 2020 taught us to use simple ‘common sense’ methods to stay protected against Covid-19. 2020 taught us that our democracy is only as secure as when the majority of adult citizens use their voices to promote justice and equity and use their votes to promote the common good.

So I offer a few more possibilities to assist you in making significant New Year’s resolutions that further the cause of eliminating human trafficking in all its forms:

  1. Further the health and growth of trafficked survivors by supporting AEHT-member houses that serve survivors 24/7. Make a donation here (https://sistersagainsttrafficking.salsalabs.org/AEHTWebsiteDonationForm/index.html) and be sure to check the box for designation: “Survivor Services.”
  2. Safeguard your children (and all children) by strengthening the protections against online predators. Get more resources and check out our current campaigns here: https://alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org/stop-online-child-trafficking/
  3. Keep learning about human trafficking. Check out our many educational resources and trafficking reports here: https://alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org/education/ and sign up for our monthly ‘Stop Trafficking’newsletter: https://alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org/stop-trafficking-newsletter/
  4. Raise your voice and speak to your federal and state representatives about anti-human trafficking legislation; advocate for bills in Congress. Check out our current campaigns here: https://alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org/current-campaigns/ and find your legislators’ contact information here: https://sistersagainsttrafficking.salsalabs.org/findyourfederallegislators/index.html
  5. There are many causes calling for a resolution on your part. Why not take the plunge with ONE resolution you can keep that will also be one that makes a world of difference. This resolution promotes health, safety, just working conditions, democracy, and so much more! Join the cause of Alliance to End Human Trafficking by becoming a member today: https://alliancetoendhumantrafficking.org/become-a-member/


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