February, 2023 Monthly Reflection

Freedom Is Coming

Judy Molosky, CSJ

February 8th is the Feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita (ca.1869-8 February 1947). All who work to end Human Trafficking take Josephine as our model of how to live in hope while in bondage. We pray for the same energy and vision that Josephine had as we work for freedom for all those caught in chains today.

Let us pray: that freedom will come for all victims of Human Trafficking.

The following prayer service was designed for the Walk For Freedom – January 2023 Blessed Sacrament Church, Hollywood, CA with the background South African Apartheid hymn by the Marymount Singers.

Leader: Pope Francis reminds us that: “Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to free victims and stop this crime that has become ever more aggressive, that threatens not just individuals, but the foundational values of society.”

Reader 1: Our adapted Scripture reading is from the Prophet Isaiah. Chapter 58: 6-9 This is the sort of fast that is pleasing to me: Remove the chains of injustice and undo the ropes of the yoke.

Reader 2: Let those who are oppressed go free and break every yoke you encounter.

Reader 1: Share your bread with those who are hungry and shelter those who are experiencing homelessness and poverty.

Reader 2: Clothe those who are naked and don’t hide from the needs of your own flesh and blood.

Reader 1: Do this, and your light will shine like the dawn and your healing will break forth like lightning. The Word of God.

ALL: Thanks be to God

Response to the Reading:

Leader: Human trafficking and slavery are illegal in every country, but present in every nation on Earth. Let us take a moment of silence in solidarity with those who suffer from the chains of human trafficking.

[Time of Silence]

Leader: Let us join together in prayer for those caught in the chains of Human Trafficking

Our response to each petition is: May chains be broken and dignity restored.

  • For all of the women, men and children who will be trafficked today, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.
  • For the parents who have lost their children through human trafficking, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.
  • For children and young people who are being exploited online, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.
  • For the conversion of heart for those who are traffickers, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.
  • For all those engaged in education and advocacy to end human trafficking, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.
  • That we may recognize and safely report human trafficking in our midst, we pray… May chains be broken and dignity restored.

LEADER: Pope Francis reminds us:
“The work of raising awareness must begin at home, with ourselves, because only in this way will we be able to then make our communities aware, motivating them to commit themselves so that no human being may ever again be a victim of trafficking.” (Pope Francis, February 2018)

Reader 1: Closing Prayer: God of all peoples, awaken our hearts and deepen our commitment to work for a world where all are free and able to live lives full of hope and dignity. Please help us grow in awareness that you are present in each person and that we are intimately connected to all involved in human trafficking. God of hope and freedom, inspire us in our work to end human trafficking, starting within our own communities. Amen.

Song: “Freedom Is Coming” (Andres Nyberg) Marymount Singers
