Urge your Representative and Senators to support the GRACE Act and NO BAN Act
Right now, refugee resettlement is at an all-time low. The administration set the FY 2019 Presidential Determination (PD) on refugee admissions at 30,000 and is not on pace to meet even that historically low goal. We ask Congress to hold the Administration accountable to meet this goal and to set a FY 2020 PD of at least 75,000 refugees. The average PD between 1980 and 2017 has been 95,000.
Two pro-refugee bills were recently introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.
The GRACE Act: The Guaranteed Refugee Admissions Ceiling Enhancement Act, H.R. 2146 & S.1088 would set a minimum Presidential Determination (PD) on refugee admissions of 95,000 each fiscal year. The bill would also mandate quarterly reports on refugee admissions, increasing transparency, accountability, and oversight.
The NO BAN Act: The National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants Act, H.R. 2214 & S.1123 would repeal the executive orders that have halted refugee admissions, banned individuals from a number of Muslim-majority countries, and barred individuals from seeking asylum between ports of entry. In addition, it would strengthen the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit religious discrimination and limit overly broad executive authority to issue such bans.
Please call your members of Congress (202) 224-3121, tell them that you welcome refugees, and urge them to protect refugees and support refugee resettlement.
Sample Script
Hello! May I speak with the staffer who handles refugee legislation? My name is ________. I’m a constituent and a Catholic sister/person of faith and I am deeply concerned about the Trump administration’s policies which fail to protect refugees. The need for refugee resettlement has never been greater and the U.S. response has been to abdicate our legal and moral responsibility. I urge Congress to honor the welcoming tradition of our country and to stand with refugees by ensuring that The Refugee Act of 1980 is carried out in good faith.
There are two pieces of legislation currently before the House/Senate that I am asking the Representative/Senator to co-sponsor.
The GRACE Act, H.R. 2146/S.1088 would set a minimum Presidential Determination (PD) on refugee admissions of 95,000 each fiscal year.
The NO BAN Act: H.R. 2214/S.1123 would repeal the executive orders that have halted refugee admissions, banned individuals from several Muslim-majority countries, and barred individuals from seeking asylum between ports of entry.
Can you tell me if the Representative/Senator is a co-sponsor of either or both bills? Can I count on the Representative/Senator’s support for refugees and for these two bills?
Thank you for your time.