Advocacy Resources
Plan a Visit with your Legislator
Establishing a good working relationship with your legislators and acquainting them with the work of AEHT is important. Here is a tool to help you plan for an effective and fruitful visit:
Checklist: Planning a visit with Your Legislator
Intro to Network and Faith-Based Advocacy
Intro to Lobbying and Organizing
We have also created a sample cover letter and welcome packet to send to your legislators introducing AEHT, the topic of human trafficking, and root causes of human trafficking.
Federal Legislative Calendars
Find out when congress is in session and when your legislators are back home in-district:
Position Papers
- Forced Migration and Human Trafficking |
El nexo entre la migración y la trata de personas - Climate Change and Human Trafficking |
El nexo entre cambio climatico y trata de personas - Gender Discrimination and Human Trafficking |
El nexo entre género y trata de personas - Neo-liberal Capitalism and Human Trafficking |
El nexo entre capitalismo y trata de personas
Stop Online Trafficking of Children
Child online sexual exploitation is rampant. Furthermore, it’s hard to detect, threatens lives, especially of the most vulnerable, and if unaddressed, will have daunting and irreversible impacts on families and society.
118th Congress Campaigns
How to write an Op-Ed/Letter to the Editor
Find tips for writing a letter to the editor or op-ed on Human Trafficking.